A collage of INDIA  

Created by Rakesh Prabhakara

This video is a mix of memories mortared with emotion and the kind of attachment I've been having , and shall have, with this beautiful country of mine: INDIA

I thank the Internet and the photographers, who deserve all the accolades, for providing me resources for the collage and I thank A.R. Rahman for the wonderful music composition, and I finally thank Asutosh Gowarikar for making such an inspirational movie 'Swades".


Created by Rakesh Prabhakara

Contemplating on where the future might drive us to, I realized that CLEAN n GREEN ENERGY would be the holy grail of mankind. The future civilization will have energy as their flag emblem; the whole world will unite to overcome the energy crisis which is sure to whip the crap out of every oil toper.  The dot com boom, the space age, the mobile communication, fancy electronic gadgets, convertible sedans, the greedy politicians and the endangered species: all have one thing in common; they need FOOD to survive. The food comes from the SUN and the SUN god pities the stupidity of current market trend, despite his hinting in the form of global warming, raising sea level and hyperthermia.

Well, what ENERGY am I talking about?

Certainly not oil, certainly not coal, certainly not batteries and certainly not cheesy burger and bean dip; it is Mother NATURE: she is the solution for all the above, she has the ingredients needed for the alchemists from across the world, to build her the sheath. But there is another thing apart from this that is as important as harnessing the free Palm Beach tan salon from the skies, it’s our MINDSET. Yes my dear people, it’s time for us to CHANGE.

Well, what CHANGE am I talking about?

The insalubrious market has become a necessary evil. We choose our career by looking at the epicenters of global transformations; we choose our jobs where there is prosperity in the form of Pandora boxes on the drawing tables of Engineers and Scientists along with free magazines with fancy beach resort advertisements in them. The change I am talking must come from within: one scratch in the space and time barrier would create an inexorable force of attraction towards goodness, and it all happens when we start THINKING about the safety of the future of mankind. I am not offending the current market but I am defending my propositions.

Mother NATURE, what is your opinion?

We have SUN; we are metaphysically SUN since we are made of elementary particles that sprouted out of the big bang and supernovas, and we need SUN. The factious Palladium based miniature Arc-Reactor, succeeded by the more powerful anti-metal called Vibranium which was found at the meteor crash site at Wakanda, could make Tony Stark’s second Marvel movie a box office success, but this ain’t reality dear: We are living in the era of dependency and we need to look at the holy-grail which has been shining upon us right from the time of our birth, timed and synchronized to 6’O clock in the morning depending on the earth phase, converting carbon-dioxide into sugar in plants and make sure we have a sound sleep every day (if you have a nagging wife or snoring roommate, it’s a different story). Following is a famous quote by the famous American Radio talk show host Thom Hartmann:

“In a very real sense, we're all made out of sunlight.
Sunlight radiating heat, visible light, and ultraviolet light is the source of almost all life on Earth. Everything you see alive around you is there because a plant somewhere was able to capture sunlight and store it. All animals live from these plants, whether directly (as with herbivores) or indirectly (as with carnivores, which eat the herbivores). This is true of mammals, insects, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and bacteria . . . everything living. Every life-form on the surface of this planet is here because a plant was able to gather sunlight and store it, and something else was able to eat that plant and take that sunlight energy in to power its body.”

I will end it this way:

SUN is, and has been a terrific energy resource for humanity in general and the output of power that reaches the earth from the sun is several times as much energy as people use every year. But the only limitation is TECHNOLOGY, the same  technology that has brought us all that we have desired. Now is the time to give a new shape to this Technology which shall not only benefit us, but also encompass the safety of the species around us, the ecosystem and specially the cute little polar bear cubs which are facing severe survival rate due to the warming…………

Blog theme music