push-ups, an egg-beater , and dollar bills!  

Created by Rakesh Prabhakara

The A-C-N model

Or technically “
Activity-Commodity-Necessity” has been throttling the everyday life of each of us, no pun intended. Of the species, I am the one with legitimate documents showing that I am wise enough to live a life dictated by the Excellency, the humans. My torch light seems to dim when I project it over the two ‘hyphens’ between the three golden words. Did you notice how connected these three words are: you need to burn calories by doing exercise, add protein to your diet by having a glass of beated eggs, and produce your expense report to yourself since you had to buy eggs and egg-beater, and CYBEX 750AT or Fitstar V320N depending on whether you are planning to beef up your leg muscles or reduce the fat off the tummy so that you can tug your new shirt and expect it to be tugged in even after having Mexican food for lunch. Now, if any one of these is off the list, there is ambiguity: no exercise and you build up body temperature momentarily, no egg and your exercise goes for a waste, and no money and you had to steal eggs, and exercise equipments, unless you are happy with nothing.

Application of the A-C-N model

How compliant is the A-C-N model with your life? I mean, how much is it going to violate the basic life standard? Come on, you guys are with me: The model is stable, at least until you are happy being a couch-potato or frugal enough to be happy with nothing. Now comes the real part of the show: what if I implement this model onto a business/mathematical phenomenon? Great men like Fourier, Kekulé, Laplace, John Nash, Bill Gates, and Myron Scholes and so on, started thinking like ordinary people( see the big picture), and later, in their lives, started seeing the unnoticed things like the ‘hyphen’ I mentioned above. Like Alchemists, these men knew
ways to make gold out of shit: they emulated simple exoskeletons with complex backbone networks.

The ‘Hyphen’ is nothing but perception
Now, I can relate the A-C-N model with umm, say, our metabolism: The
cell activity (transportation of chemicals to your DNA, Genes etc), the reason why you have nose of your father and eyes of your mother, is a result of converting sugar (glucose) into energy, and this has been happening since you were breast-fed, and in the later stages, you buy pina colada and enjoy the drink (you are supplying calories and carbs to the cells) , I mean you are basically feeding yourself, again no pun intended.

Here ,
A = Cell Activity,
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
C = Glucose/ Sugar / Pina colada /
Rasam n Rice (I miss it) and
N = Money, you need money honey! (to buy food)
Now, let me violate one of them:

“You had no
MONEY (the ‘N’ factor violation) to FEED (‘C’ factor degradation) your wife and you will later notice that your daughter has your wife’s eyes and your neighbor’s nose(‘A’ factor degradation) , your neighbor being a rich guy :)”.

My intention of building this article is to convey the following: You graduated from one of the top 5 schools in the world, you were permitted to wash your rear in the river Thames, you are a cobbler, you are a lumberjack: you must choose between being
Mr.X or Mr.Y in your life.

I would like to mention few such revolutionary models:
Mr.X being creator/ famous people, Mr.Y being any one of us:

Mr.X saw water flowing out of a tap --> Mr.X imagined of electric current flowing out of a tap -->Mr.X built transistor -->Mr.Y watched a 720p movie on his iPAD. “ (Transistor -> Digital -> consumer electronics)

Mr.X being Kekulé, in his dream, saw six snakes biting each other’s tail forming a hexagonal pattern --> He proposed the Benzene ring --> Mr.Y drove Murcielago LP640 with high octane gasoline” (benzene, gasoline, octane, come on! Make up the picture)

Disappointed of not having filed any of his theses to claim scholarship, John Nash, being Mr.X, saw a bunch of girls in a local bar near Princeton. --> He developed a way (game theory) of claiming the best amongst the girls and not disappoint his friends who too had their eyes on the best amongst the girls

He later developed Governing dynamics, well, the sad part being that the best amongst the girls didn’t know she was staring at the best amongst contemporary Mathematicians, at that moment --> I, being Mr.Y, am using Facebook, a social networking site, which uses algorithms based on game theory.

So, I can relate individual accomplishments with the A-C-N model:

A, the activity, being imagining and dreaming (sleep as much as you can).
C , the commodity, being paper, pen, stool, pina colada
N, the necessity, being patience, perception and BELIEF.

Now, let me violate one of them:

" You have good
imagination, you have all the resources, but without belief, you are just one of your classmates."

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