My love to the Jews  

Created by Rakesh Prabhakara

Father God, we just ask you to open your wide, wide arms and look down upon us, Lord, and lead us, and let us know what we should do to stop this, this terrible, terrible holocaust.”

I, for once, ask myself what is life?a life not dictated by the lord, not dictated by the evil, not dictated by the fate itself? A child playing with her doll, when entering into the gas chamber, is as good as a goddess playing with her miraculous presage. I see that I have a loving family and yet I see hatred in the eyes of my foe in spite of seeing his/her stupidity or that of my own. But hatred to an extremity of killing innocent ones is just as good as loving your profession as a confused human being, not knowing the real purpose of surviving the recently advocated word LIFE.

After having meticulously studied the documents, literature and visual documentaries of the happening of the events during the times of the NAZI rules during the end of 1930s and the beginning of 1940s, I have realized that I am more educated and at the same time am serving no purpose to the realization. There is no definitive cause of my sudden transformation based on my conscience, the feeling of remorse when human does things that go beyond his/her moral values, and believe that I am blessed for having that conscience.

Following music is dedicated to all the young angels resting in the heavens.....

What is happiness? How do we embrace it without knowing its significance even in small quantities? Like bread satisfying our hunger than the crumbs or crumbs satisfying our hunger than nothing, or nothing satisfying our hunger than death itself? There is a saying that in order to know the path that leads to the destiny being good or bad, we need to keenly observe the successful people or the lucky survivors and look at them in the same perception. For me, happiness is all about embracing the ‘good’ and excluding the ‘bad’. The only thing that has changed with time is the goodness of good and badness of bad. We now feel that getting a job, earning money to survive, living a comfortable life and marrying another soul results to happiness. But there was a time when feeling good was all about being alive for the day and hopefully stay alive for the next day as well, and believe me, these men/women lived ten years of our life in one day. Happiness comes from the ‘feeling’ alone and not from the material world surrounding us.

What is Love? When the entire family got off the train and the moments before they were executed in the gas chamber, when the women and children were separated from their men, when the parents were separated from their children, there was love everywhere, a love of unimaginable magnitude, a love so pure that even death would fall on to the ground, bare feet. This scenario defined ‘love’ which cannot be found in any modern dictionary, For it shall manifest itself when there is no alternative way of looking at your family for the last time. But this term is misused in other circumstances; love for money, fame, and prosperity. It’s not real; it’s as synthetic as the money or the fame or prosperity. For me, love is respect, love is a real spring flower that shall die but when in bloom, it would display wonderful colors attracting bees to pollinate and also contribute nectar, and this is how love should be.

PHOTO: Family members say goodbye to a child through a fence at the ghetto's central prison where children, the sick, and the elderly were held before deportation to Chelmno during the "Gehsperre" action. Lodz, Poland, September 1942.

What is fear? Fear serves no purpose in life, but if seen as an opportunity, might help us overcome it and help ourselves to excel in life. The NAZI perpetrators feared of losing their career, had they not met with the objective of executing the innocent Jews, in large numbers. The Jews feared losing their loved ones, losing their life, had they not met with the objective of being brave, bold and fight for their life. Interestingly, the perception is what separates and/or masks the true meaning of fear like in the case of happiness, hatred and love. The fear of being shot at the forehead, is way too dense than the fear of losing one’s job. The only way to experience fear is during the moments before being shot at. We experience fear when being belittled, when being laid off a job or when being betrayed by the loved ones, in which case we are to tag ourselves of being immature and illiterate. It is always good to weigh the fear before letting it affect us like plague. Fear of going to the stage and giving great talks, mesmerizing people is like a baby excited by the banging door, But, if counteracted more than required, could lead to becoming someone like Hitler himself. Hitler was the baby excited by the banging doors during his childhood that led him to excite hundreds of thousands of soldiers or executioners in disguise, by banging the speaker table.

Being spiritual myself, I have practiced accepting all religions, colors and ethnicity, but deep down the line, I provide room for my religion, color and ethnicity as a mark of respect to my parents, my creators who have bestowed lots of love to me and I safeguard them by respecting their beliefs and Morales. Do good deeds, help people, protect nature and all the living creatures, conserve forests, water resources, soil and air. We must expand our identity and promote global citizenship. The age of harming, harassing and hatred is over and this generation must be a total transformation series, a global unity and a struggle for peace.I saw more than the media seeking discretion, I felt more than the spectators could swallow, I realized that lord was not really on vacation, but was in need of good souls in heaven. The new generation dictates a need for breaking of disparity in thoughts, feelings and love. Let there be love everywhere.....

"Angels sail through our lives like ships of light visiting us through the portals of our hearts."

An angel is like an arrow of light cutting through the dark.

The light in children's eyes is the reflection of Heaven peeking through."

PHOTO: Two young brothers, seated for a family photograph in the Kovno ghetto. One month later, they were deported to the Majdanek camp and killed. Kovno, Lithuania, February 1944."

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